Two great options for learning more about the post-fire landscape:
Saturday, September 13:
Pacific Biodiversity Institute Field Trip to Explore Wildlife Response and Ecosystem Recovery after the Carlton Complex Fires. RSVP required. Details.
Saturday, September 20:
Okanogan Conservation District Fire Recovery workshop at the Twisp Grange from 9 am-12 pm.
This workshop will provide information to landowners and residents to help them assess the impacts of the fire on plants and soil, make them aware of post-fire risks to life and property, and provide resources to make educated decisions about how to address the fire impacts. An optional field trip to a burned area will take place from 12-1; those interested in the field trip portion should wear close-toed shoes.
This workshop is focused on restoration of the natural resources and agriculture that have been affected by the Carlton Complex. Please pre-register by email at or call 509-422-0855 x 5. Light refreshments will be provided.