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Bob Clark – Senior Conservation Planner
Bob has a BS in Outdoor Recreation (Forestry) from Utah State University with a minor in plant taxonomy. He also did graduate level studies in land use planning at the University of Montana. Bob is a board member of the Washington Association of Conservation Districts Plant Materials Center.  The 2008 Washington Association of District Employee of the Year, Bob assists the District Manager with the coordination of all District technical programs, helping to coordinate projects, working with cooperating individuals, agencies, and other partners. He is responsible for implementing the Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program (CREP) and Irrigation Efficiencies programs and assisted with the Okanogan Watershed Planning project.  He is also responsible for all District GIS development and management. Bob has been with the District since December 2001. Email: Bob (at) Phone extension: 104
  Bob Clark
Kirsten Cook - Education & Outreach Coordinator
Kirsten has a BA in Human Ecology from Connecticut College and a certificate in Nonprofit Management from the University of Washington. Involved in conservation education since she was an undergraduate, she has developed programs for people of all ages, with a focus on hands-on learning and habitat restoration. She is responsible for education and outreach programs and has been with the District since May 2011. Email: Kirsten (at) Phone extension: 103


Zach Day- Natural Resource Technician          
Zach graduated from Omak High School in 2010 and earned a BS in Wildlife Ecology from Washington State University in 2014. He has experience in wildland firefighting, forestry, and forest engineering. He spent some time volunteering for the NRCS, and working with the DNR in the Okanogan and Methow Valleys. Zach is currently working with landowners who have been affected by the 2014 Carlton Complex fire. Email: Zach (at) Phone extension: 102

Allisa Carlson - Conservation Planner

Allisa has a Bachelor’s of Landscape Architecture from the University of Washington. She grew up in western Montana on a small sheep farm and spent much of her youth in the surrounding mountains and forests. She has experience with habitat restoration design, vegetation inventories, rural community planning, GIS, and scenery management. Allisa is a graduate of the Seattle Audubon Master Birder Program and is an active member of the Okanogan Trails Mule Deer Foundation. Allisa currently works with landowners on improving and maintaining wildlife habitat. Email: Allisa (at) Phone extension: 111


Amy Martin - Conservation Planner                       

Amy has a B.S. and M.S. in Natural Resource Science with a focus on aquatic resources from Washington State University. Amy’s experience includes monitoring and assessing stream and lake water quality, aquatic habitat and riparian condition. She is also skilled with GIS and has written and managed several successful grants. At the District she develops water quality improvement projects. Email: amy (at) Phone extension: 108 



 Leslie Michel - Soil Scientist

Leslie has a BS in Soil Resource Management from Oregon State University. She has worked on farms throughout Oregon and Washington working with a wide variety of crops, including a couple of those years working with irrigation and focused on improving water efficiency. Leslie interned at the Benton Soil and Water Conservation District in Oregon and volunteered with the NRCS. Leslie currently works with farmers helping them improve soil health and irrigation efficiency. Leslie has worked for the District since July 2012. Email: Leslie (at) Phone extension: 106 


Craig Nelson – District Manager
Craig has a BA in Geography with a minor in Environmental Studies and has been in this role since December 1996. In this position, he coordinated the development of the Okanogan Watershed Water Quality Management Plan, facilitated and coordinated the Okanogan Watershed Plan under RCW 90.82, and oversees all District programs and project staff. Craig supervises a diverse conservation program on a day-to-day basis while coordinating with multiple partnering agencies and non-governmental organizations. Craig has extensive grant management experience. Email:Craig (at) Phone extension: 110



Craig Nelson

Kim Simpson – District Treasurer
Kim has a BA in Public Administration and has been processing grant vouchers and payment requests for the District since January 1999.  She was instrumental in developing and implementing an improved grant and voucher tracking system that has allowed the Okanogan Conservation District to go from quarterly vouchers to consistent monthly vouchers.  Kim is responsible for the timely and accurate submission of vouchers for the project. Email:Kim (at) Phone extension: 107


Kim Simpson

Mindy Widdell- Natural Resource Technician

Mindy graduated from Okanogan High School in 2009. She earned a B.A. in Geography, with a minor in geology and a certificate in Geographical Information Systems (GIS) from Eastern Washington University in 2014. She has worked on GIS projects for the Department of Ecology and the Geology Department at EWU.  Mindy is currently working with landowners who were affected by the 2014 Carlton Complex fire. Email: mindy (at) Phone extension: 109


Terri Williams - Conservation Planner

Terri has a BS in Landscape Management/Horticulture from Brigham Young University, and also attended Arizona State University. She has worked in conservation horticulture, retail and wholesale nursery management, landscape design and garden education, but her real passion is for farming. She currently works directly with local farmers and ranchers, developing conservation plans and helping arrange funding for farm/ranch conservation projects. Terri has worked for the District since February 2012.  Email: Terri (at) Phone extension: 105