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Okanogan Watershed Info

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2012 Rapid Watershed Assessment

The Okanogan Conservation District received funding from the Washington State Conservation Commission to assess natural resource concerns is a portion of the Okanogan River watershed. This report covers the Bonaparte Creek – Okanogan River 10 digit Hydrologic Unit (#1702000602).

Read the report here.

Okanogan Watershed Plan

The Okanogan Conservation District was the lead entity for the development of the Okanogan Watershed Plan as appointed by the three Initiating Governments. The Initiating Governments by statute (RCW 90.82) were Okanogan County, City of Omak, and the Oroville-Tonasket Irrigation District.

The District coordinated the activities of the Planning Unit which was comprised of local citizens who are irrigators, business owners, recreationalists, environmentalists, and others. The Planning Unit was tasked with developing a series of recommendations on how policy and decision makers should manage water in the Okanogan River Watershed in Washington State.

The Planning Unit began the process in 2004. The Okanogan County Commissioners approved the plan as presented in April 2010.

Due to extremely tight budgets hard copies of the plan will only be available at public libraries and the Okanogan Conservation District office. However, you may download, read, or print sections of the plan by clicking on appropriate links below. Every chapter and appendix submitted to the Commissioners as part of the plan are listed below for your review.

If you have questions about the project please call Bob Clark at the District office at (509) 422-0855 ext. 122.


Okanogan Watershed Plan



Erosion Treatment Diagrams

Aerial Maps - Okanogan River Erosion Study (North to South)

Final Assessments