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Carlton Complex One Year Anniversary


The Okanogan Conservation District continues to work with nearly 300 landowners to help them with the recovery of the natural resources and agricultural infrastructure on their properies. Here is a link to our progress to date:

Okanogan CD Carlton Complex Fire Recovery 


Weather Resources for Carlton Complex residents

Summer thunderstorm season is upon us here in Okanogan County. Residents living in, adjacent to, or downstream from, burned areas should remain aware that there is an increased risk for flooding and erosion. Flood risk remains elevated for up to five years after a wildfire. 



Use these links to find weather information for your area:

Bid and Contract Specs for Carlton Complex Emergency Watershed Protection Projects

Dear interested contractor:


In the links below you will find a contract, plans, and specifications to construct berms, road build-ups, and drivable dips, as well as, placing ecology blocks to protect homes that have been deemed at high risk from flooding and mud and debris flows as a result of the Carlton Complex Fire.


Symphony of the Soil to Show in Omak and Twisp

So much depends upon the soil! Join us for this unique opportunity to learn more about soil. FREE ADMISSION!


Symphony of the Soil is a documentary feature film that explores the complexity and mystery of soil. Filmed on four continents and sharing the voices of some of the world's most esteemed soil scientists, farmers, and activists. The film portrays soil as a protagonist of our planetary story.


We're Hiring!

We have two positions open currently. Please follow the link below for more info:

Supplemental Budget Approved by Legislature and Signed by Governor Inslee

Okanogan Conservation District Secures Initial Funding for Carlton Complex Landowner Assistance

Calendar Picture Locations

We've gotten a couple of calls regarding the photos in our 2015 Conservation District calendar. Since we don't have locations on all the photos, we didn't include locations for any of them in the print edition, but here is the list of the ones we know:

February: near Salmon Creek in Okanogan

March: above Omak Lake (west side)

May: French Creek area

June: Above Okanogan

Program Signup Opens for Okanogan Farmers and Ranchers Affected by Floods

Financial assistance is available for farmers and ranchers to repair damage from last summer’s wildfires. The Farm Service Agency recently authorized funding for the Emergency Conservation Program (ECP) according to Stu Skidmore, Farm Service Agency Acting County Executive Director in Okanogan. The agency is currently accepting program applications and affected agriculture producers are encouraged to apply at their earliest convenience.

Bid and Contract Specs for Emergency Watershed Protection Projects

Attention all contractors planning to submit bids for Emergency Watershed Protection projects within the Carlton Complex burn area:


Fire Recovery Learning Opportunities

Two great options for learning more about the post-fire landscape:


Saturday, September 13:

Pacific Biodiversity Institute Field Trip to Explore Wildlife Response and Ecosystem Recovery after the Carlton Complex Fires. RSVP required. Details.

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